Opening up Unified Communications possibilities with innovative solutions and integrations

Cistera integrates with Microsoft Power BI for entire organization analytics possibilities displayed on live dashboards. Call center data intelligence is dynamic and in real time

Speech to text to data

Cistera speech-to-text functionality captures the voice of your customers to be transformed into deep analytics. Call center data intelligence integrates to create a top-level view of your organization. Data can be filtered across countries, regions, states, locations, departments or drilled down to a single call.

Microsoft Power BI analytics integration

“Too hard basket” questions can now be dissected, analyzed, and resolved piece by piece then aggregated back together to provide a big picture view that can also drill down and directly back to the source. With Cistera Microsoft Power BI live data dashboards, that leverage multiple data sources, efficiency and margins can be increased through insights. Insights into customer loyalty, sentiment, training and streamlining automation opportunities.  The voice of your customers is listened to and analyzed more than ever before with Cistera AnalyzeIT powered by Microsoft Power BI.

call center analytics
call center compliance

Live agent analysis

Positive customer engagement is the most critical component of call center operations. Are all agents working at their optimum level? Which agents needs cross training and in which areas? Cistera agent scorecards can be customized to measure the performance and ability of your team in the most meaningful ways to your organization. Supervisory desktop tools enable random listening and screen share without operator knowledge to monitor, train, optimize workforce management and ensure QA compliance.

Compliance and audit data

It is essential to compliance for call centers to have an effective system to track, record, and assure compliance. To ensure that agents are adhering to their scripts, call centers can use speech analytics to listen for required wording or common mistakes. Using unauthorized wording can send a notification to management and also be reflected negatively in agent scorecards.

Marketing insights

Develop deep customer profiles and more impactful customer relationships through call center data intelligence insights. Map omnichannel workflows and journeys more effectively with optimized messaging linked to the voice of your customers.

Product development insights

Identify product successes and pain points through call recording keywords and qualitative insights. Identify area for improvement of product opportunities for new product development with deeper customer connections and simple to use, comprehensive analysis.

call center analytics